ESP Asia Forum
Special Issue(ECOSER) on Gauging People's Sense of Wellbeing
from Eco-health Perspectives in Asia
When: Dec. 16, 11:30-13:40 (GMT+9)
Where: Virtual(Japan)
Host(s): Prof. Minoru WADA, Nagasaki University and Dir. Namue Lee, ESP Asia RO.
Special Issue: 'The role of ecosystem services in the relationship between ecosystem health and human wellbeing in Asia' - ECOSER Journal, Elsevier
Brief description
People can have a sense of wellbeing under proper access to ecosystem services. However, due to multiple stresses caused by climate change, excessive economic development and exploitation of natural resources, it has become more and more difficult for people interacting with ecosystems to feel secure about their health and wellbeing in recent years. In order to help alleviate people’s suffering, it is crucial to know how they live and what they need in coping with the ever-changing environment. One of the ways to get the picture of people’s health and wellbeing is to look at their traditional food and livelihood, particularly through farming (agriculture) and fisheries that have relied on sustainability of the ecosystem services.
In this session, we call for contributions that address challenges or provide practical insights in gauging the health and wellbeing under diverse interactions between humanity and ecosystem services in Asian rural and urban areas.
- 11:30 - 11:35
Welcome by Minoru Wada
- 11:35 - 11:45
Namue Lee
Overview of previous Fora and plans for Special Issue
- 11:45-12:00
Dr. Jiang
Public Perception of Pondscape Changes during Urbanization: A Case Study of Liangjiang New Area,Chongqing,China
- 12:00-12:15
Dr. Uchiyama
Review of integrated research on human well-being, ecosystem services, and spatial characteristics of cities: research trends and future directions
- 12:15-12:30
Dr. Nishi
Interlinkages between land rights, value perspectives, and wellbeing of farmers in the context of agricultural abandonment of Japan
- 12:30-12:45
Dr. Yao
Awareness and WTP for Chinese traditional medicine/supplement in novel market:An example of edible bird nests in Jakarta
- 12:45-13:00
Dr. Masud
Assessment of Unacknowledged Urban Ecosystem Services: a Case Study in Khulna City
- 13:00-13:15
Dr. Watanabe
Planetary health: ecological views of the health
- 13:15-13:40 Discussion with SI editors
Panelists :
Prof. Jun Yang (Tsinghua University, China)
Prof. Roman Carrasco Torrecilla (National Uni. of Singapore)
Prof. Takahiro Ota (Nagasaki University, Japan)
Planned output
To publish a special issue on Eco-health in Asia in the journal of Ecosystem Services (ECOSER)
This special issue will aim at addressing research gaps, methodologies and policy implications of public health effects of ecosystem services approaches in Asia.
The call for papers is now open:
Planned timeline of the suggested special issue publication
- Dec. 2021 : Call for papers at the website of Elsevier ES
- Dec. 16, 2021 : Presentation of research abstracts and papers
- By the end of Feb. 2022: Submission deadline of manuscripts at the ECOSER
- March, 2022 ~ : Processing reviews (* in general, peer review process will take 6-8 months)
**The timetables might still be subject to change. More detailed information could also be found in the description form of ESP Aisa Forum.
For further inquiries, please contact or
ESP Asia 2021
ESP Asia
ESP Asia 2021assistant@esp-asia.org
ESP Asia 2021ESP Asia 20210.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
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